Copy of Swag Shop
Copy of Swag Shop
May 5, 2021
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Generally, when we think about the word “Selfish”, it carries a negative connotation and rightfully so. However, what if being selfish can also serve others in a positive and uplifting way? What do I mean? How is being selfish in any way possibly a good thing? [...]

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April 2, 2021
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Generally, when we think about the word “Selfish”, it carries a negative connotation and rightfully so. However, what if being selfish can also serve others in a positive and uplifting way? What do I mean? How is being selfish in any way possibly a good thing? [...]

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February 24, 2021
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Generally, when we think about the word “Selfish”, it carries a negative connotation and rightfully so. However, what if being selfish can also serve others in a positive and uplifting way? What do I mean? How is being selfish in any way possibly a good thing? [...]

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February 1, 2021
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This “famous” quote was created many years ago by my husband, Geoff Henry. He has just been laid off from his corporate job, had gotten his real estate license and started lead generating as a new agent. He soon realized that so long as he had people in his pipeline that were moving towards closings, a lot of the other “problems” the industry presents seem to magically vanish. It was then that I, a new coach at the time, started quoting this to all of my clients. "Production solves everything." [...]

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January 27, 2021
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We're one month into "New Year, New You"! How are you doing? Are you crushing it or has it been a little harder than you thought it would be? As I've said before and like with any new habit, seek progress not perfection. And just for good measure here are some helpful tips to get you on track or back on track to forming that new habit! [...]

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