Busy-ness VS Business – How To Get Off The Real Estate Rollercoaster

Effective & Consistent Lead Generation is something all real estate agents know they should be doing – yet very few actually create the time to make this the #1 most important activity they start each day with. Thus, the real estate rollercoaster occurs and many agents wake up on January 1st of every year wondering how they’re going to produce what they did last year. From my experience, many real estate agents don’t create systems for their business. Maybe it’s due to lack of proper training, and perhaps its due to how they see themselves: not as the CEO of a real estate business but rather just a salesperson. Either way – I’m going to breakdown how to Explode Your Real Estate Business – The Mathematical Breakdown of Effective Lead Generation. […]

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“Everything worth doing starts with being scared.” – Art Garfunkel

Halloween is right around the corner and with that come all the ghosts, goblins and monsters. Add to that the haunted house decor and gory costumes and you have all the makings of a national “spooky” month! So, in honor of this spooky season, it would be appropriate to address your agents’ FEAR…the real kind of fear though. The kind that keeps you up at night and grips your heart in its fist! The fear of …… FAILURE. And there’s nothing fun about this, is there? […]

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