“Everything worth doing starts with being scared.” – Art Garfunkel

Halloween is right around the corner and with that come all the ghosts, goblins and monsters. Add to that the haunted house decor and gory costumes and you have all the makings of a national “spooky” month! So, in honor of this spooky season, it would be appropriate to address your agents’ FEAR…the real kind of fear though. The kind that keeps you up at night and grips your heart in its fist! The fear of …… FAILURE. And there’s nothing fun about this, is there? […]

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16 Characteristics of A Great Leader

1. You can’t want it more for someone else than they want it for themselves.
As they say, you can’t push a rope. What makes it so hard is we often see the best in someone else. We see their God given talents and unique qualities that makes them who they are. Our role is to extract their talents and highlight them as the center of everything we do, especially when it comes to lead generation. We all know as leaders it boils down to their commitment to the process of attaining their goals and having the motivation from within. It can be frustrating as a leader to see so much potential in an agent who is not fulfilling their potential and it makes it very hard for us to ever give up on them. Yet we have to remember that we can throw out the life jacket if someone is drowning, however it is their job to grab on and allow you to pull them safely to shore. It is a hard lesson to learn to meet people where they are at, and yet as long as we can look in the mirror and say we have done everything to encourage, inspire, engage, and pour ourselves into that agent then we can feel good about the efforts and attitude we have control over. […]

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