Real Estate Webinar Ideas That Attract Top Agents

Kristin Shanahan | The Locker Room Northeast National Director

You’re busting at the seams with experience and knowledge. You want to share it, if only you had agents to share it with!! I see you, and I’m here to answer-Is a Free Webinar a Good Fit For Your Content? Some ideas are better suited to the webinar format than others. Certain scenarios call for interaction, and a webinar style share may not be the best choice.
Real estate related webinar ideas:
1. A detailed examination of a niche topic from a fresh angle( think The Locker Room)
2. A panel discussion of a timely, news-based issue in your industry (think Inman)
3. A thorough, example-driven “how-to” tutorial( something of value-a quick marketing tip that not a lot of people use, for example)
4. An adaptation of a presentation from a conference speaking engagement (you’re gifting everyone with knowledge that you’ve gained, that you feel comfortable summarizing and want to share)
5. An interview with an industry thought leader (think top agent or real estate influencer)

These 5 categories offer enough intrigue that agents will probably engage. They offer knowledge and nuggets of information for the agents, and the agents don’t have to do any work to earn the info. But the truth about webinars is harsh: this is a time on task over time situation. You might not get any actual engagement on your first attempt. It could be a total bust. There are ways to avoid this-for example, be sure to offer some kind of sign-up situation. Eventbrite or mailchimp or some other platform to offer a way for you to capture contact information so that you can remind the agents of the event ahead of time. Be sure to invite people to participate that you know will commit to being there. Be sure to record the webinar and then make it available for the public through your facebook business page, or personal business website. When agents catch on and see how much value your webinars bring, you’ll be sure to have more engagement as you continue to offer them! So, stay strong, share your knowledge, and continue to lead in your own valuable way!!