Jake Dixon | The Locker Room Founder & CEO

Effective & Consistent Lead Generation is something all real estate agents know they should be doing – yet very few actually create the time to make this the #1 most important activity they start each day with. Thus, the real estate rollercoaster occurs and many agents wake up on January 1st of every year wondering how they’re going to produce what they did last year. From my experience, many real estate agents don’t create systems for their business. Maybe it’s due to lack of proper training, and perhaps its due to how they see themselves: not as the CEO of a real estate business but rather just a salesperson. Either way – I’m going to breakdown how to Explode Your Real Estate Business – The Mathematical Breakdown of Effective Lead Generation.

First, you’ll need to change the way you approach each and every day and actually follow the job description you as a real estate professional are supposed to be doing each day. So, what do I mean when I say it’s actually possible to create a PREDICTABLE business plan? I mean one where you can wake up each day of every month of every year and mathematically project how many closings you will have. One where you will know precisely how many contacts you need to make, appointments set, appointments held, listings taken, so on and so forth.

Well it all starts with proper preparation because after all, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Let’s take a closer look. On average (and I know YOU are not average) a real estate agent needs to make 80 purposeful contacts which will result in one piece of business. Here’s a chart of Low Efficiency, Medium Efficiency, and High Efficiency – – you decide which one you’d like to choose after we develop a scenario and give you real statistics.

So let’s develop an average scenario for an agent who is listing based… Let’s say an agent wanted to work 250 days per year out of 365. After vacations, holidays, weekends, etc this may not be too far-fetched (yet I know many more who have no life and work 24/7. Not Cool!) And let’s say this individual wanted to close 33 listings for the year.

Based on the information given – are you being EFFECTIVE?

Let’s compare the two extremes using the examples of the LOW EFFICIENCY vs. HIGH EFFICIENCY. The LOW EFFICIENCY AGENT would need to make 15,840 (33 listings goal x 480 Contacts to get 1 listing) Contacts in a year to achieve the goal of obtaining 33 listings. Given he/she wants to work 250 days out of the year, that essentially means they would need to make 64 contacts per day.

The HIGH EFFICIENCY REALTOR would need to make 1,056 (33 listings goal x 32 Contacts to get 1 listing) Contacts in a year to achieve the goal of obtaining 33 listings. Given he/she wants to work 250 days out of the year, that essentially means they would need to make 4 contacts per day. So it’s drastically clear that a real estate agent with effective systems and models that develops the daily habits needed to be successful is worth it.

So how do you achieve high efficiency? It boils down to leverage, proper systems, training, and the right people. It boils down to discipline, confidence, principles, time blocking, and clarity of what to focus on that matters most. It boils down to the proper skill set of creating a duplicatable listing presentation, mastering scripts, and being the local economist of choice who truly understands the market and knows the numbers. Is it worth it? I’d say so! It’s not always about work work work, harder harder harder.

It should be about WHAT you’re doing with your time, not how much time you’re spending working.

There’s never enough time to do everything, but there’s always enough time to do the most important things. Work smarter – not harder, which is something we’ve all grown up hearing but kind of become numb to and really lost the meaning of what that statement truly says and how it applies. Wouldn’t you rather focus on making 4 purposeful contacts per day to achieve your goal rather than 64?! If the average closing is $5,000 from  – that is a predictable $165,000! So those who say the real estate rollercoaster is inevitable are wrong. This is more of a science project vs. an art project. If you track your numbers and know how they apply to your daily habits – you can absolutely create a business model with 100% certainty of the outcomes. It takes the guesswork out of it completely and provides new direction & focus to your daily routines.