Production Solves Everything

Jennifer Henry, The Locker Room Southeast National Director

“Production solves everything”

This “famous” quote was created many years ago by my husband, Geoff Henry. He has just been laid off from his corporate job, had gotten his real estate license and started lead generating as a new agent. He soon realized that so long as he had people in his pipeline that were moving towards closings, a lot of the other “problems” the industry presents seem to magically vanish. It was then that I, a new coach at the time, started quoting this to all of my clients. “Production solves everything.”

And it still…always…holds true.

One thing that I have learned over the years of coaching agents, brokers, business owners…ok, well, PEOPLE, is that when humans are productive, meaning, when their purposeful actions produce predictable results, they are happier. They have more money. Their relationships improve. They make better decisions. They are less emotionally tied to outcomes of contracts with buyers and sellers. They grow. They thrive.

When we, as leaders, lose sight of this very simple fact, we invite into our business a lot of chaos management that can be avoided. I mean, let’s face it, we will never really reach the end of the to-do list. We will never FEEL completely at peace with our systems. There will always be something pulling us away from this very simple and yet powerful truth.

“Production solves everything.”

This apples you as a leader. This applies to the agents that you serve. This applies to all business. Leadership requires us to constantly interrogate what we are choosing as top priority and to continuously protect and uphold the fact…that the purposeful activities that lead to predictable results should always come first! Today. Tomorrow. Every day that you are open for business.

How can we as leaders do better with this? How can we help our agents stay focused on this truth in their lives, their demands and their choices?

It starts with us.

It starts with me. As a coach, this is the stand I take with my clients. I owe it to the greatness that the future promises them!

“Production solves everything!”