5 to 25: How To Close 25 Homes A Year

Jake Dixon, Locker Room Founder & CEO

We’ve all heard it. “Success is simple, not easy.” And in order to get big, you must first get small. We’re talking granular. Small daily habits. You should sweat the small stuff. So, what if we were all making this harder than it needs to be? What if there was a way that 5 conversations a day could guarantee 25 sales per year which would net you 6-figures? Would it be worth taking a closer look?

Think about compound interest for a second. It’s one of the wonders of the world right? Think about it this way: would you rather have $1M upfront or a single penny that doubles every day for a month? We know the temptation is there to take the $1M but with time, patience, and consistency the penny choice actually yields you over $5.3M by day 30.

Around day 21 is where it starts to look like real money. It begins to compound and everything you did leading up to day 21 seemed insignificant but we know that success is often gradual and then sudden. We call it the hockey stick effect.

Success is boring – repetitious – and unsexy many times. It’s about accepting the discipline that comes with doing the simple things compounded over time. So let’s take a look at those 5 conversations again and how they could equate to 25 sales a year.

Here’s what we know. The average conversion ratio from a conversation to a sale is 50:1. We’re talking 1 real conversations with 50 different people. So ask yourself this first: “Am I talking to enough people?”

Math time!

What if you made 1 contact per day 5 days per week over 50 weeks a year?

You’d have made 250 contacts. With a 2% conversion from contact to close you would end up with 5 closings.

Now let’s re-do with 3 per day..

You’d have made 750 contacts. With a 2% conversion from contact to close you would end up with 15 closings.

Let’s think about this like working out. Take bench pressing for example. When you start, do you go right into doing your max? Of course not. When you start off you’re more focused on the fundamentals of your form, a little lighter weight so you don’t get sore to the point of not being able to move the next day. It’s about getting the discipline going and creating the MUSCLE MEMORY. Little by little you build on that and ultimately throw more weight on each end of the bar.

Now let’s re-do the math with 5 per day. Which, is our equivalent to more weight on the bar.

You’re now up to 1,250 contact a year which will yield you 25 closings.

The best part? If your conversation rate is higher than the 2% national average you are closing even more!

Remember, success is simple, not easy. We’re talking as simple as 5 conversations each day. Are you up to the challenge?