Jake Dixon | The Locker Room Founder & CEO

Using the inspiration from another industry leader, we wanted to incorporate a similar approach with our communication. That is, featuring moments in time where I share:

  • What am I watching?
  • What am I reading?
  • What am I listening to?
  • What am I working on?

Many times blogs can be impersonal and never really dive into the “behind the scenes” items that go on daily. We’ve often heard of the concept that things happen gradually and then suddenly. In other words, what some on the outside see as “overnight success” – it can tend to overshadow the grind, education, and continual learning that goes on behind the scenes. Many accuse the best athletes in the world of just being naturally gifted, and to some extent that’s true, yet it should not take away from the hours every single day spent working out and mastering their craft. Business is no different.

So here I’d like to provide a peek under the hood and share with you some of what we’re working on right now!

Currently watching..

This week my focus has turned from politics (yikes!) to something more beneficial that I have control over. Many of you have probably heard of Simon Sinek and the “Golden Circle” concept he spoke about during a TED Talks conference. See: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action?language=en

It’s always been one of my favorite videos to watch and reflect on as he makes some great points, particularly the fact that people don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it. Many real estate agents, brokerages, and coaching company’s lead with what they do. They feature all the bells and whistles and tangible items they feel would benefit someone else. Rarely do they lead with WHY they do what they do. And this is a concept we have really embraced with The Locker Room. We are committed to doing a better job at telling our story which means leading with the WHY first and then getting into the how and what questions. Lately we have found this has catapulted our business all by slightly changing the way we approach sharing it with others. I would encourage you to watch, reflect, and implement principles taught in his video into your own business and see what it’ll do for you!

Currently reading..

For me, this time of year is always very reflective. It’s nearing the end of the calendar year which means finishing strong while setting new goals for next year. I make a habit of asking myself questions such as the K.I.S.S. questions:

  • What do I need to keep doing?
  • What do I need to be more intentional about?
  • What do I need to stop doing?
  • What do I need to start doing?

It is no different than world-class athletes and coaches. They spent hours in the war room watching game film of themselves and their opponents. They intentionally seek out the gaps, opportunities for improvement, and where they can be more effective moving forward. Isn’t that what the best of the best do instead of going through the motions and setting themselves on auto-pilot?

With that being said, my all-time favorite book is “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews. This time of year is when I will re-read the book to get my mind right and be sure to keep a fresh perspective on things. Right now I am reading the 7-Decisions for Success that are at the end of each chapter of the book. They are written as an affirmation and are one of the most thought-provoking things for me personally. They speak to my soul and really get me thinking of how I can be better and continue to serve those I’m in business with.  If you have never read the book, do yourself a favor and get it!  If you have read it, be sure to at least check out the Affirmations and reflect on them (Click HERE to download!!). My personal favorites are #3 and #7. Which of the 7 Decisions for Success is your favorite?

Currently listening to..

This next one is huge for me and our business! You will likely start to see a “reflective” theme going on here but what I am currently listening to has fundamentally changed our business. Two years ago I stumbled upon a book called “The Blue Ocean Strategy” and I have since listened to it 3 times. Now, I am listening to “Blue Ocean Shift” for the second time which is more about the implementation of the Blue Ocean Strategy.

I am listening to this on audio book and doing a book study with our Locker Room HQ Leadership Team. In fact, I recently did our State of the Company and 2021 Vision Speech with our entire team and it was solely focused on the Blue Ocean concepts, exercises, and direction as we march forward into the future. Instead of worrying about “competing” with other companies, we are focused on creating new demand. We are not caught in the wake of the red, shark infested, bloody waters of competition. While everyone else is fighting over the same factors, we are swimming upstream into new, fresh, innovative, blue waters.

Like anything else I’ve recommended in this blog, do yourself a favor and spend time reading or listening to The Blue Ocean Strategy and then Blue Ocean Shift. Your future self will thank you!

Currently working on..

Just like anything else, learning for learning sakes is very different from learning for doing sakes. So in light of my previous recommendation, the team has created the (6) different Blue Ocean exercises based on hours of discussion and research. We are actively in the process of creating new value innovation in order to make any “competition” irrelevant. We are implementing new systems along with fresh ideas that further expand our Blue Ocean focus while enhancing our company’s culture of collaboration.  You can see a little bit of what we’re talking about with the visuals below!

In closing, never forget to appreciate the journey. Building a business should be FUN. You will fail forward magnificently and growth is meant to be messy, but do not forget to appreciate the journey and have fun along the way. Through continually reading, watching, and listening to personal growth and development resources – it will guarantee you to have a fresh lens to see things through. Most businesses end up failing because they have a fixed mindset. They are so committed to doing things one way that they fail to hear the real feedback. Stop worrying about being right and stop being so stubborn that you’re unwilling to pivot. Be agile, be a servant driven business owner, and let us know how we can be a partner in your success here at The Locker Room.