Looking back at 2018, it was a monumental year for The Locker Room. It was the first full year we had been in business to really look back, reflect, and ask ourselves the question: “How are we doing?”. We were in a state of conscious incompetence, meaning we knew we were making a significant impact but we didn’t know quite how big just yet. When we were able to close our books on the year and reveal the results you see here – it was obvious to us we had a very clear path, purpose, and passion that we were following. Every single metric represents a life changed. People are NOT numbers but our numbers do represent our people and they tell a story. Our story is that The Locker Room has helped countless agents who were in their first year or two of the business or agents who had been struggling previously and just trying to find their footing. By the end of 2018 we had partnered with over 100 offices and it was all through organic word-of-mouth growth. When you focus on the right thing and putting others first, you’ll never be second. #TLRNation #LockerRoomStrong