COACH NAME: Celeste Boglioli


Email: celestehomes1@gmail.com

Why I Love Coaching:

I love coaching because, after so many years in the business myself, I can now pour into agents and help them become successful business owners. It starts with mindset and understanding your own value and worth, treating your real estate profession like a business from day one, setting your own goals and business plan, and understanding your Big Why. Having a ringside seat and being an integral part of that in someone’s success story, is a tremendous blessing God has given me.


COACH NAME: Pam Blecker

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Email: Pam.blecker@yahoo.com

Why I Love Coaching:

I’m so excited to assist Celeste in coaching agents because I know that my career certainly benefited from a terrific coach!  One of my passions is helping agents become successful by helping them learn to: “find” new business, retain clients, show them the power of networking, give them the confidence to succeed, provide resources for their questions, and see them grow their businesses! 

I love being in real estate for so many reasons including the: the unlimited income it can provide, the continued learning that takes place (continued education, learning from attorneys, mortgage lenders, inspectors, co-brokers and more), the networking opportunities provided, and people we meet along the way.  No day is ever the same! No market is ever the same!  No ”deal” or “client” is ever the same!  It certainly keeps you on your toes!


57 Route 6, Baldwin Place, NY 10505